Varieties: Hard Red Winter, Soft White Winter, Soft White Spring, Stephens Winter, Madsen Winter, Penawawa Spring
Planting Dates: Winter Wheat: End of September through October Spring Wheat: Ground thaw through end of April
Planting Rate: 100 lbs. seed per acre
Spacing: Normally 7″ row spacing and 1 to 3″ seed spacing. Planted with grain drills 1 to 2″ deep.
Plant Density: 895,000 plants per acre. All seed is treated, usually with Vitavax.
Harvest Date: End of July through end of August
Irrigation Types: Rill, Sprinkler, Dry Land: 28 inches of water from Irrigation or Rainfall.
Cultural Practices: After planting there is no cultivation performed. After harvest, the straw can be left for cover, burned off, swathed and baled, or plowed under. Most of the crop is exported following storage of up to 1 year.