Varieties: Golden Jubilee, Super Sweet (processing varieties)
Planting Dates: April to June: staggered planting dates to accomodate harvest
Spacing: Variable across region (34-38″). Usually 38″ for mechanical harvesters.
Plant Density:13,750 to 15,000 plants per acre.
Silk Emergence: Approx. July 20 (usually 30 days before harvest)
Tassle Emergence: Approx July 20 (usually 30 days before harvest)
Harvest Date: Mid summer (normally August 20) through first killing frost.
Irrigation Types: Rill, Sprinkler (95% center pivot): 24 to 30 inches of water from Irrigation.
Cultural Practices: Normally 1 to 2 cultivations after planting, along with a de-tassling after pollination for lodging prevention. Remaining corn stalks are either left standing for cattle grazing or disked under. Most sweet corn is processed.
Major Pests: Weeds, Corn Earworm