Varieties: Baronesse Spring, Steptoe, Camelot, Winter Barley, Spring Barley (Baronesse – 2 row)
Planting Dates: Winter Barley: End of September through October Spring Barley: Ground thaw through end of April
Planting Rate: 100 lbs. seed per acre
Spacing: Normally 7″ row spacing and 1″ seed spacing. Planted with grain drills 1 to 2″ deep.
Plant Density: 895,000 plants per acre. All seed is treated, usually with Vitavax.
Harvest Date: End of July through end of August
Irrigation Types: Rill, Sprinkler, Dry Land: 28 inches of water from Irrigation or Rainfall.
Cultural Practices: After planting there is no cultivation performed. After harvest, the straw can be left for cover, burned off, swathed and baled, or plowed under.